Original Writing 1

This week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting a piece of original writing. This piece is the first of four pieces that will make up a chapter of a story I am working on. I hope you enjoy this original writing piece. Tomorrow for the Fiction Friday feature, I am reviewing the suspense mystery novel, Night Fall by Nancy Mehl. Next week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting a new original scene. Until then keep creating; Nerd out!

Chapter 1: The Awakening (Part 1 of 4)

There was only a void enveloping me. The pitch-black darkness surrounded each one of my senses. I couldn’t see anything near me. It felt as if my eyes were closed when I knew for certain they were open. I searched for the sound of anything lurking nearby; I found nothing but silence. No smells, no sensations, I couldn’t even find anything to taste to inform myself I had survived. Slowly a tingle started forming in my fingers, creeping up my arms. It wasn’t the feeling of pins and needles that most would think of. It felt like razor blades scraping against my skin causing a burning sensation. My joints were extremely stiff as I began to flex them. I hoped the movement would make the pain and burning go away. The more I moved my fingers the pain spread throughout my body. The feeling had to be from my body reawakening. The last thing I remembered before waking up, was his face as he leaned into mine with what I thought was going to be a kiss to my neck. The next thing I knew, there was a void surrounding me.

As I gained fluid movement in my fingers, I was able to feel my surroundings. All a sudden my senses slammed back to me. It felt like everything around me was screaming all at once. The sounds were deafening, the smells were so overpowering it caused my head to throb. My mouth was dry, I was practically choking on my tongue. I felt as if I was dying of thirst or at least on the verge of it. Although there wasn’t any light where I was, it was no longer pitch-black. I could tell that I was lying down; as I felt around with my fingertips, I could tell there was dirt below me as well as to the sides. However, as I reached out to determine why I couldn’t see my surroundings, I felt what seemed to be a wooden board above me. As I dragged my finger against the wood, I realized that it was not one board, but multiple boards held together with some sort of twine. As I pushed up on the wood planks; it moved with ease. My joints, however, resisted the movements causing my arms to collapse.

As I moved the large wood piece aside, I was blinded by a sudden rush of light. I closed my eyes as tight as I could. However, it still hurt as if I was looking directly into the sun. I put my hand across my eyes, and it still hurt like all hell. I tried putting my arm over my face this time before slowly sitting myself up. I felt the wind gently rustle my hair. I lowered my arm slowly while sitting there, my sight eased into focus. I saw him sitting there, staring at me as if he expected this to happen. I could see every detail of his face even though he was sitting quite a distance from where I sat. Jasper smiled at me, his jet-black hair swept back and tucked ever so carefully behind his ears. His sly smile always made me blush, and the muscles in my face felt tight.

Jasper got up from the log he had been sitting on and within a blink of an eye was in front of me offering his hand. In taking it, I realized he no longer felt cold to me as he had before. We were now at the same temperature. Remembering that it was the middle of summer, I couldn’t explain why I wasn’t sweating. Any thought that came forth in my head felt like it had to fight through the fog to get to the surface. I could tell from the stars I could see that we were in a forest, and it was some time in the night. It must have been a new moon as I could find no sign of moonlight. As Jasper pulled me into him, I felt the sensation of clothes against my skin. My nerve endings seemed to have settled down as I no longer felt the burning as I had before. However, my once favorite dress was now itchy and very comfortable. Jasper’s clothes were the same roughness I remembered, yet more intense than I remembered. As I laid my hand on Jasper’s chest, I had to finally acknowledge what I had always suspected but refused to acknowledge. Jasper’s heart never beat, there was only silence in his chest.

This acknowledgment caused me to move my hand to my own chest; I burst into tears. These tears were a mix of happiness and pain. I was finally free of the confines that had been my human existence but at what cost? For so long I had wanted to be free from my family as well as the horrible life they had held me prisoner in. All I could hear inside my head was the stories my father had told us growing up. The stories of creatures that came at night, and if my mother had been stronger, she would have resisted them and been alive today. Although it was all lies, everything he had said was lies. He had done it to keep me in my place as well as to scare me into always trusting everything he said. It wasn’t until after he had married me off that I learned the truth of what had really happened to my mother.

“It will be okay, Aine. Just relax and allow yourself time to adjust,” he whispered in my ear.

“How? How could you…” I sobbed intensely unable to continue.

“You know I gave you a choice. You decided it was time to free yourself from your father’s control. I know that this is a lot to handle; nevertheless; I tried to warn you. Here, sit down. Take some time to just take it in.” He gently smoothed my curls out of my face.

Jasper had carefully directed us to the log, I did my best to sit as I was shaking all over. Jasper had disappeared into the trees, only to return with some rabbits in hand.


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