Original Scene 98

This week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting an original scene. I hope you enjoy my latest creative work found below. Tomorrow for the Fiction Friday feature, I am reviewing the horror novel, Bag of Bones by Stephen King. Next week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting a new original scene. Until then keep creating; Nerd out!

Premise: something believed to be a myth is very real

I could remember growing up and listening to my Grandpa Herman telling us the lore about the local necromancer. My sister Violet and I had decided to do a road trip back to our hometown to seek the truth. I giggled as I reminded Violet to grab a roadmap because the GPS wouldn’t work properly once we got within 50 miles of the town. The outside of the family home looked the same when we pulled up. We had made good time, leaving us an opportunity for a nap before the exploration began. We felt powerless to our anxiety once we woke and began the adventure. We drove until we saw the split elm tree at the end of Water Lily Road. From there we had to travel by foot past the grove of trees. Most of us who grew up in town would go into the woods from never far enough to see the shack they say sits in the middle. When the shack came into view you could see plastic containers hanging from twine around the porch. The scariest part was when the rumor was proven true. The necromancer had come out of the shack when we set off some sort of trap that made it impossible to hear the person right next to you. The only other experience I had previously had to compare it to was when I was chopper-rescued after a fall on a hike.


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