Original Scene 92

This week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting an original scene. I hope you enjoy my latest creative work found below. Tomorrow for the Fiction Friday feature, I am reviewing the fictional young adult novel, Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry. Next week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting a new original scene. Until then keep creating; Nerd out!

Premise: A strange proposition from a stranger

I had been waiting in line at the coffee shop when the woman asked me if we could chat for a few while we waited for our coffees. I was curious what the woman could possibly want to talk to me about. I was terrified that she was going to serve me with papers or arrest me. My paranoid brain was thinking about every possible scenario that was about to play out. I overheard her talking to someone on her phone about pushing a luncheon because she found what she was looking for. When we sat down, she told me that she was a designer and wanted to get measurements from me. I forced a smile and told her that I wasn’t interested in anything to do with the fashion industry. My worst nightmare was flashed through my head. Being forced to take pictures in some ridiculous-looking sequin outfit to be, to be laughed at by millions. She quickly corrected me that she was a video game designer and she was looking for someone to model a character in her game. Her cellular rang, banishing any thought that had initially been in my brain. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, which in turn made me feel awkward. All the tools I had been given as a child on how to deal with various situations, yet my toolbox was empty for this situation. Not that it had ever been filled with many tools anyway. I had dented the lid of my cup with my fingernail. Locked in thought, I finally decided to say hell with it and do it. Why should I deny myself this opportunity? I wasn’t going to let all those people who told me when I was wondering that I was never good enough to win.


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