Original Scene 80

This week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting an original scene. I hope you enjoy my latest creative exercise found below. Tomorrow for the Fiction Friday feature, I am reviewing the audio drama, A Woman of the World by Rebecca Gilman. Next week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting another original scene. Until then keep creating whatever your passion is; Nerd out!

Premise: reliving childhood memories as an adult

I was sitting in my car in my apartment building’s parking lot. My sister had mailed me a box of things she had gotten out of our grandparents’ house. The adjustment to them both being gone had been rough on me. Our grandparents had raised us from the time my sister was 9 and I was 8. Our father had died from addiction and our mother from her grief. Because of all the loss we had experienced, our grandparents had been rather lax with us. I should have known that my sister would have me in tears going through the box. Caroline had included seashells from our last family trip to the beach. I giggled thinking about how I spent the entire day talking about historical piracy all because we went to the beach. She had included the bottle of my grandma’s favorite fragrance. I had selfishly hoped she would include that in my package. In the box has been the top hat that I would use to do magic tricks during sleepovers. The best thing included was a homemade card she had made not long after we went to live with our grandparents. Caroline had made the card look like a saltine cracker because our mom would always give us some when we felt sick to make us feel better. Damn, these tears.


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