Original Scene 32

This week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting an original scene. I really hope you enjoy this new piece of original writing. Tomorrow for the Fiction Friday feature, I am reviewing the gothic horror novel, Web of Dreams by V.C. Andrews. Next week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am continuing the Personal History series. Until then keep creating your passion; Nerd out!

Premise: a spy on the job

I had been sent into the field on a new assignment. The original agent was Darren, but he ended up getting food poisoning the night before the flight. So, here I am sitting in an apartment, enjoying the company of a stray kitty, waiting for instructions and where I was to meet up with my local handler. Although the agency was supposed to be run like a republic, it was beginning to feel more like a dictatorship. My phone dinged with a text message of an address.

There was a myriad of people in the street as I walked to my destination. Maisie ended up being my local handler. I liked her a lot and she was always easy to work with. My target was an investment company and its CEO. The easiest way to get to him and get the information I needed was to get to them at church. I had snuck into the church from a postern door. I froze as I saw crimson shoes pause before retreating into the alcove. I made my way towards my target, listening as the priest was going on about the apostles. It was at that moment that I heard the familiar found of a flint-style lighter being struck.

“What are you doing here?” The familiar voice spoke…

~To Be Continued~

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