This week for Movie Monday, I’m reviewing the movie, Silver Linings Playbook. This movie has been a holiday movie for me for the past few years. I originally watched this movie because of Jennifer Lawrence. I loved her in the Hunger Games and X-Men movies. Very quickly this movie took on a whole new meaning for me. It felt almost like the story of how my husband and I met. His head was all messed up because of his ex and I was all messed up from my first husband dying. No matter the difference between the movie and my life, the meaning was still the same. Sometimes when you’re not looking love sneaks up on you.
Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence were amazing in their roles. I believed every bit of tension, frustration, and aggravation. Robert DeNiro was spectacular as the overbearing father. I wanted to go off on him like Tiffany did. There are so many good things about this movie.
I give this movie a 5 out of 5 stars.
*I have included my favorite quote below.*
“I was a big slut, but I’m not anymore. There will always be a part of me that is sloppy and dirty, but I like that, just like all the other parts of myself. I can forgive. Can you say the same for yourself, f**ker? Can you forgive? Are you capable of that?” ~Tiffany