I can remember being a young kid and watching Murphy Brown with my parents. When I heard they were bringing it back I was worried that it wouldn’t have that same magic as before. Well, I am happy to say that I enjoy the new episodes as much as the original run. It is witty and snarky in all the best ways.
They didn’t miss a beat in bringing the show into the modern era. I love that they have the original group back. As a child, some of the plot and jokes were lost on me. Now I relate more to the show since life has chewed me up and spit me out. If you are easily offended by differing political opinions, you may not enjoy the show if you don’t align with a particular side.
The episode that had me laughing the most was when they brought in a millennial to bring them into the social media age. It reminded me of teaching my dad how to use social media.
I give this show a 4 out of 5 stars.