This week for Movie Monday, I’m reviewing the documentary Je Suis Charlie. The film pays tribute to the victims of the January 17th, 2018 terrorist attack at the French Satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. It also explores the resulting aftermath of a changed nation. I will admit that when this happened, I didn’t know much about it and I didn’t care to learn more at the time. Terrorist attacks seemed to be on my news constantly.
However, I’m glad I took the time to watch this documentary. Sometimes I take for granted the freedom of the press. There are those who would like to believe that they are free from criticism. The victims of this tragedy deserve to be remembered for their bravery in not bending to those who deem things untouchable. I believe in the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I believe that we have the right to question the things we are taught. How do we become a better society if we don’t question extremists and/or hateful viewpoints?
This movie moved me to my core. I forget about those lost in tragedies like this. It’s easy to do when I have such a distaste for extremists in any religion. If subtitles don’t bother you, I highly recommend this to everyone.
I give this a 4.5 out of 5 stars.