Holy Hell

            This week for True Crime Wednesday, I’m discussing the documentary, Holy Hell! This documentary is told by a former member of a West Hollywood cult. It discusses its founding in the 1980s to its eventual imploding.

            This documentary was fascinating for the footage alone. I was not surprised at the process in which Will slowly became enthralled with the cult. It is the standard one small step at a time. Listening to Will describe how he became wrapped up in all of it to the veil falling away was intense. However, nothing could top the tension of the eventual confrontation caught on tape. Although it wasn’t what I wanted for the confrontation, I need to give Will credit for his grace. I would have lost it. I can’t blame anyone for handling an emotionally charged situation either way. I really loved the end where Will identified who stayed and who left the cult. On a lighter note, I know someone who looks like the cult leader and I am creeped out every time I see him now.

            I give this documentary a 3.5 out of 5 stars.



