I am sure you have figured out from my other posts that there generally has to be something that leads me to each of the things I read, watch, or absorb. The thing that led me to this show is another show called Blacklist. The lead actor for New Amsterdam played Tom on the Blacklist. I was sad when his Blacklist spin-off was canceled and he left the original show. I really enjoyed him on that show.
I enjoy him on this show just as much. However, I do have a hard time separating his job on the Blacklist from his medical career in New Amsterdam. Besides my love of the lead, I found other familiar faces that were a little jarring for me from the last time I saw them in something. While some of the medical cases that they do have been done on other medical shows (i.e. Grey’s Anatomy), I have found that New Amsterdam’s storytelling still keeps me enthralled with the episode. I find that I am more invested in the psych department than any other department on the show.
I look forward to learning a lot more about each of the characters. I like how they have been slowly unfolding the backstories piece by piece. I never feel overwhelmed by all the characters on the show like I have with others. There is the right amount of balance focused on the different members of the staff through each episode. I look forward to the development of this show. I could see it having a long run like ER and Grey’s.
I give this show 4 out of 5 stars.