Original Scene 24

This week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am presenting an original scene. I hope you enjoy this latest creation, which can be found below. Tomorrow for the Fiction Friday feature, I am reviewing the Audible Original, The Mystery of Alice by Lee Bacon. Next week for the Writing Thursday feature, I am continuing the Personal History series. Until then keep creating whatever your passion is; Nerd out!

Premise: A Sales Manager Has Had Enough

I was trying to find my happy place as my head throbbed behind my eyes. A butterfly drift passes me in my vision as I debate going to the shoreline or trying a mountain-top view. I was slammed back to reality when Harlow came into my office asking for help with a customer. I noticed Cade was stuffing his gullet in the breakroom as I walked towards the front of the store. Before going through the doors that would take me out to the customer, I heard them badgering Olimpia with rapid-fire questions.

“Excuse me, ma’am, is there something I could help you with?” doing my best customer service voice.

“Are you a manager because I asked to speak with a manager?” the woman snapped.

“Why yes I am. What seems to be the issue?” I put on my friendliest smile.

“Yes, I was explaining to the previous employee that I had been looking for some specific designs that I had seen online, here at the store. She informed me that you don’t stock those items in-store. What kind of faith can I have in a business like this? I can’t trust the information I receive in an email.” She snapped off.

“Well, ma’am if you read the fine print of the email you will see where it states that not all designs are carried in stores.”

“How do you expect me to read the tiny print? The company doesn’t offer to have emails with readable-sized font throughout the whole thing. So this is just a bait-and-switch move by you to get people to spend money here no matter what. You advertise me designs of owls and Australia and then tell me I can’t get them here…” Her voice raised and continued to raise the more she went on.

“Do you read the terms of service for everything you sign online?” I quipped.

“Excuse me?” I had her full attention now.


“You don’t need to speak to me that way.”

“Well, I’m trying to prove a point here. You blindly agree to stuff all the time without reading the fine print which I personally do myself. My issue comes with the fact that you come in here and you get in the face of my employee because you failed to read the fine print. If you had come in here and once corrected been polite and not insisted on this entitlement display you may have gotten a different response out of any of us. However, you came in here to belittle not one but two employees and then demanded a manager. What did you think I was going to do? Magically pull hidden stock that we hide until someone like you flips out? Yeah, no, you’re not that important and I am really sick of customers like you coming here. We would have been nice and helped you order the items to be sent to your home directly, instead, I am going to have to insist on you leaving my store given the information my employee provided me.

“Oh, what information do you think you have that entitles you to throw me out when I am a paying customer.” She waves her hands hysterically as she continues her tirade. “The only thing you can complain about is that I spend money here regularly and keep it honest with everyone.”

“If by keeping it honest you mean making homophobic and racist comments about my employees, yeah I have that information. Feel free to get out or I’m calling the police.”

From the way I had snapped the lady looked like a deer in headlights. She quickly puffed her way out of the store and I went back to my office for some Advil. If this was my Monday, I hate to see what the week had planned for me.


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